Writing Center tutors are available for drop-in tutoring and by-appointment tutoring. You can also request an appointment via the link below and a member of our staff will reach out to you to book your appointment time. If you need assistance immediately, please use the links below to visit the online Writing Center.
Submit your paper and request an appointment here!
The ASC front desk staff will make copies or print for you if necessary.
These tutorials were created by our student writing tutors and they cover the most common issues that students run into when writing.
The ability to speak and write in a clear, organized and effective way is vital to your academic success on campus as well as for any field of work you plan to pursue when you leave college. The primary goal of the Writing Center is to help all students improve their writing, revising and proofreading skills by working with a trained tutor on their own writing. When you make an appointment at the Writing Center, our friendly and talented staff will work with you one-on-one at any stage of the writing process. Writing tutors will not fix your drafts, but they will carefully read then offer suggestions and instruction about how you can make your writing more clear, concise and interesting.
The ASC is located on the main floor of the LSSU Library. Our friendly front desk staff can assist you with booking a tutoring appointment, providing information on our services, or connecting you with other offices on campus.
Kenneth J. Shouldice Library
906 Ryan Ave, Sault Ste.
Marie, MI 49783, United States
Monday 12pm – 4pm
Tuesday 12pm – 5pm
Wednesday 12pm – 4pm
Thursday 9am – 2pm
Friday 12pm – 2pm
Saturday – Sunday – Closed