Educator Resources

Activities and Lessons

CFRE has a variety of activities and lessons to support educators to meet learning goals. Each lesson includes multiple activities that can stand alone or be used together to investigate an overarching phenomenon. Lessons are designed to integrate multiple subject areas and include standards for each as appropriate.

The following activities and lessons are focused on invasive species and grouped by grade bands.

Invasive Species Activities

Mussels Madness Model

Students model the relationship between invasive and native mussels by demonstrating the feeding characteristics of each species and how this impacts their survival rates.

Mussel Madness Model Activity Outline

Example Mussel Madness Model Data Sheet

Schoolyard Plant Bingo

Students practice observation skills using a photo “bingo” card to explore and identify species around school property.

Schoolyard Plant Bingo Activity Outline

Example Plant Bingo Hunt

Plant Bingo Card Template

Rain Garden Picture Hunt

MEECS 10 tips for taking students outdoorss

Warning Signs

After surveying and/or researching their geographic area, students will create informational signage to alert people of unwanted contact or unintentional spreading of invasive species near their home, school, or community.

Warning Signs Activity Outline

Warning Signs Student Guide Teacher Example

Warning Signs Student Guide

Warning Signs Rubric

Warning Signs Template 1

Warning Signs Template 2

Warning Signs Example Poster 1

Warning Signs Example Poster 2

Three Shores CISMA-10 Invasive Species in the Eastern Upper Peninsula

Invasive vs Native Species (PowerPoint resource)

Invaders of the Great Lakes

Aquatic Invasive Plants and Their Look-Alikes

Michigan Watch List Aquatic Invasive Plants Guide

Visit CFRE

CFRE offers a variety of field trip programs for preK-12th grade students to support what you are doing in the classroom. Search our list of program offerings.

Have CFRE visit you

CFRE offers a variety of field trip programs for preK-12th grade students to support what you are doing in the classroom. Search our list of program offerings