Students earn a high school diploma & college credits leading to an associate degree

EUP Early College

The Early/Middle College Program is an innovative educational initiative designed to provide students with a unique five-year high school experience that seamlessly integrates high school and college-level coursework. This rigorous program allows students to concurrently pursue their high school diploma while earning either:

– 60 transferable credits
– An Associate’s degree
– The Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) technical certificate

Students enrolled in Early/Middle College Schools benefit from a focused curriculum, access to
support services, and opportunities for career advancement upon graduation. Early/Middle
College empowers students to accelerate their academic and professional growth, setting them
on a path towards success in both higher education and the workforce whilst also saving them
money in the long run. This program is at no tuition cost to parents or students.

How to Apply

Students interested in applying must currently be enrolled as high school sophomores and demonstrate enthusiasm for the program. Regardless of the high school they attend, students can contact us directly to express their interest. We’re open to partnering with high schools to facilitate enrollment. As part of the application process, students are required to successfully complete the one-credit Early College University Seminar course during the spring semester before their 11th grade. Please reach out to us to discuss how to apply and arrange the necessary partnership agreements with your high school.


To be eligible for the Early Middle College Program (EMC), students must be enrolled in a partner high school. If a student is interested in participating in the EMC but attends a non-partner high school, we can facilitate the necessary steps to establish a partnership. All applicants are required to complete an application, and admission to the EMC will be based on several factors, including:

– Successful completion of a one-credit University Seminar course
– Principal/counselor recommendation
– High school GPA

Frequently Asked Questions

How do students apply?

Students should contact their high school guidance counselor for an application.

What types of classes will I be taking?

Students will take a combination of high school and college classes during their junior and senior years. These classes will give students the opportunity to complete the graduation requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum while at the same time earning up to 62 credits or an associate degree. Most students start the Early College Program following the Associate degree in General Studies from LSSU. However, the Director of Early College Programs and an LSSU faculty advisor will work with each student over the course of the program to fit each student’s academic goals.

When does the Early College Program begin?

Students officially start the three-year Early College program during the first semester of their junior year. Students cannot join the program after count day, as they must be coded as Early College at the high school.

Where will classes be held?

Classes will be held at the various high schools and career centers, online, and on LSSU’s campus.

So when do I actually graduate from high school?

Your official high school diploma will be awarded after successfully completing your last math class during the third year of the program.

Can I participate in senior activities?

Your participation in various senior year activities is up to the discretion of your home school district.

What is the cost to attend?

Tuition will be paid through the state student funding allowance. The student’s family may be responsible for additional costs, such as books, travel expenses, housing, food, etc. Check with your high school about them.

What areas will I be able to study?

During the first two years of the Early College program, students will mainly take courses that fulfill the General Education and Michigan Transfer Agreement requirements. A list of these courses can be found here:

During the third year of the program (the 13th year), students will take courses full-time, most of which will be academic concentrations toward an associate degree or a future bachelor’s degree.

I’m not sure that my child is ready for college. What kind of support will be available?

This program is designed to support students by providing services that will help them be successful in their college courses. Students will learn and develop strategies practiced by successful college students through the university seminar course. Additional support will be provided by high school counselors, LSSU academic advisors, faculty, and the Early College Coordinator. Early college students will also have access to LSSU tutors and mentors.

What is the difference between EMC and Dual Enrollment?

Dual Enrollment

  • Open entry, open exit
  • Limited course selection
  • Encouraged to meet with college counselor before enrolling on college campus
  • Ends after fourth year of high school

Early/Middle College

  • Must be enrolled by beginning of 11th grade
  • Planned program goals
  • Required college advising twice each year
  • Extra supports, including EMC Career Coach

What is Early/Middle College and what are the benefits?

  • A rigorous five-year high school program that combines both high school and college degree requirements
  • Students can earn an associate degree or certificate along with their high school diploma
  • Students are enrolled in a focused program of study
  • Students have access to support services which enhance their success
  • Tuition and fees are paid by the local school district up to an allocated amount

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