| Kathy Berchem | Dean for the College of Health & Emergency Responders | College of Health & Emergency Responders; School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; School of Kinesiology & Psychology; School of Nursing | 906-635-2043 |
| Steven Johnson | Dean for the College of Arts & Sciences | College of Arts & Sciences; School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; School of Biological Sciences; School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences | 906-635-6236 |
| Mindy McCready | Interim Dean for the College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics; Lukenda School of Business; School of Computer Science & Mathematics; School of Engineering & Technology | 906-635-2255 |
| Ashley Moerke | Dean for the College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education, Executive Director of Center for Freshwater Research & Education (CFRE), Professor | College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education; Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2153 |
| Mark Senkus | Manager of Counseling Services | Counseling Services | 906-635-2752 |
| Chad Barbour | Associate Professor, Chair | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2553 |
| Jennifer Fager | Associate Dean for the College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education; School of Education; School of Natural Resources | 906-635-2745 |
| Herbert Henderson | Professor, Chair | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2172 |
| Martha Hutchens | Associate Professor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2806 |
| Charlotte Kostelyk | Associate Professor, Chair | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2438 |
| Joseph Moening | Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2135 |
| Thu Nguyen | Associate Professor, Chair | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2165 |
| Evan Schemm | Professor, Chair | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2633 |
| Joseph Susi | Professor, Chair, Certified Athletic Trainer | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2161 |
| Sheri Garee | Academic Administrative Assistant | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Arts & Sciences; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Toni Horde | Academic Administrative Assistant | School of Biological Sciences; School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Rebecca Kilponen | Academic Administrative Assistant | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2207 |
| Heather London | Academic Administrative Assistant | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Janine Murray | Academic Administrative Assistant | Lukenda School of Business; School of Education; School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2426 |
| Paul Weber | Professor, Chair | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2031 |
| Anya Alexander | Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Executive Director of Campus Life & Engagement | Student Affairs | 906-635-2676 |
| Michael Andrews | Head Coach of Men's & Women's Tennis | Athletics | 906-635-2606 |
| Andrea Ardoin | Student Affairs Office Coordinator | Campus Life & Housing | 906-635-2236 |
| Connor Arnold | Research Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | (906)635-2071 |
| Dr. Saad Ashraf | Assistant Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2662 |
| Robear Assinewe-Beaupre | Native American Center Student Support Advisor | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-6664 |
| Abbigal Bailey | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Christopher Baker | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Jacob Baker | Public Safety Officer | Public Safety | 906-635-2100 |
| Julie Barbour | Assistant Professor, Honors Program Director | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2657 |
| Madelyn Baril | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Paul Bartus | Assistant Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2034 |
| David Baumann | Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2142 |
| Robin Bear | Facility Attendant II | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Michael Beazley | Dean of Student Affairs | Campus Life & Housing; Student Affairs | 906-635-2634 |
| Mark Bell | Adjunct Instructor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Tammy Bell | School Support Specialist | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2724 |
| Angela Bjunes | Assistant Buyer/Purchasing Clerk | Purchasing | 906-635-2654 |
| Gene Blanchard | Public Safety Officer | Public Safety | 906-635-2371 |
| Robert Boston | Assistant Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2736 |
| Jared Boucha | IT Programmer Analyst | Information Technology | 906-635-2542 |
| Marc Boucher | Director of Library & Academic Services | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2404 |
| Douglas Bowerman | Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Michaela Boyd | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Koral Brady | Assistant Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2115 |
| Dr. Dustin Brewer | Assistant Professor | School of Natural Resources | (906) 635-2005 |
| Willie Brown | Structural Mechanic | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Trevor Bryant | Electrical & Computer Laboratory Engineer | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2838 |
| Julie Buchholtz | Academic Assessment Specialist | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2118 |
| Bruce Buckley | Application/Network Systems Technician | Information Technology | 906-635-2151 |
| Madison Bunker | KCP Gear Up/College Day Program Coordinator | Admissions | 906-635-2114 |
| Hannah Burton-Parrish | Accessibility Services Coordinator | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2355 |
| Jesse Burtt | Sports Utility Attendant | Facilities | 906-625-2371 |
| Ryan Bush | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Samuel Bush | Student Financial Services Coordinator | Business Operations | 906-635-2734 |
| Eric Cairns | Coordinator - Semester Course Schedule & Curriculum Services | Registrar | 906-635-2696 |
| William Campbell | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2288 |
| Don Carruthers | MCOLES | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Alix Carter | Assistantt Women's Basketball Coach/JV Coach | Athletics | |
| Stephanie Casey | Mental Health Clinician | Counseling Services | 906-635-2191 |
| Caleb Cavendish | Head Coach of Men's & Women's Golf | Athletics | |
| Elizabeth Chambers | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Stacy Charles | Purchasing Manager | Purchasing | 906-635-2761 |
| Waylon Charles | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Sally Childs | Adjunct Instructor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Elizabeth Christiansen | Great Lakes Education & Outreach Specialist | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2687 |
| Rebecca Clawson | Finance & Governance Specialist | Business Operations | 906-635-2279 |
| Bradley Clegg | Assistant Professor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2130 |
| Kathleen Connors | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Deb Cook | Graphic Designer | Marketing | |
| Katelynn Coon | Coordinator of Operations | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2075 |
| Jamie Curtis | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Becky Davis | Assistant Professor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2105 |
| Leslie Dawson | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Natasha DeActis | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Jane DeLong | Library Learning Commons Technician | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2366 |
| Peyton DeVinny | Men's Ice Hockey Athletic Trainer | Athletics | 906-635-2604 |
| Amanda Dean | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Stephanie DelBosco | Staff Athletic Trainer | Athletics | 906-635-2406 |
| Kari Despain | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Jim Devaprasad | Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2131 |
| Sara Devaprasad | Lead Instructional Technologist – LMS Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-6231 |
| Marta Diaz | Associate Professor, Chair | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-6682 |
| Andrea Donmyer | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2129 |
| Elizabeth Dotski | IT Programmer Analyst | Information Technology | 906-635-2197 |
| Jonathan Doubek | Assistant Professor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2169 |
| Silas Dunn | Research Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2071 |
| Mandy Ehnes | Adjunct Instructor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Benjamin English | Jr. System Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-2064 |
| Jeffrey Erickson | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Kris Erickson | Accounts Payable Specialist | Business Operations | 906-635-2086 |
| Barbara Evans | Professor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2164 |
| Anthony Fabiano | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2877 |
| Thomas Farnquist | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Susan Fitzpatrick | Budget Coordinator/Finance Office Manager | Purchasing | 906-635-2831 |
| Gerald Forsythe | Maintenance Mechanic/Plumber | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Audrey Fosburg | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Trevor Freeman | Galley Manager | Food Service | 906-635-2169 |
| Jeffrey Friedt | Custodial Manager | Facilities | 906-635-2183 |
| Steven Fruik | Sports Utility Attendant | University Recreation | N/a |
| Bryan Fuller | Assistant Professor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2120 |
| Deidre Furlich | Laboratory Scientist | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2819 |
| Michael Furr | Associate Director of Information Technology | Information Technology | 906-635-2092 |
| Jerome Gapczynski | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| James Garlitz | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2384 |
| Traci Garlitz | Special Projects Coordinator | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2148 |
| Jason Garvon | Professor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2471 |
| Casey Gates | Webmaster | IT | |
| Kayla Gavit | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Jaimee Gerrie | Associate Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2732 |
| Lynn Gillette | Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2006 |
| Cole Gillotte | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Jennifer Gillotte | Clinical Coordinator | Health Care Center | 906-635-2110 |
| Charles Goff | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2541 |
| Abbie Goldstein | Assistant Director of Athletics for External Relations/Senior Woman Administrator | Athletics | 906-635-2601 |
| Daniel Goldstein | Assistant Hockey Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2605 |
| Jennifer Gorman | Assistant Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2150 |
| Kristin Graham | Executive Assistant, Director of Events & Camps | Admissions | 906-635-2673 |
| Garnet Green | Supervising Field Officer | Charter Schools Office | 248-961-4601 |
| Gina Greengtski | Skills Lab Supervisor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-6688 |
| Adam Grifka | Assistant Coach Men's & Women's Cross Country | Athletics | 906-635-2765 |
| Lauren Grobaski | Accounts Receivable Collections Coordinator | Business Operations | 906-635-2592 |
| Lucia Grossman | Assistant Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2155 |
| Douglas Grunder | Facility Attendant II | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Steven Habusta | Norris Center Operations Coordinator | University Recreation | 906-635-2602 |
| Jessica Hadley | Data Account Clerk IV - Testing Services | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2027 |
| Jenny Haines | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2183 |
| Corinna Haller | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Douglas Hartley | Executive Chef | Food Service | 906-635-2241 |
| Drew Heckman | Research Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2071 |
| Judy Hering | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2466 |
| Steven Hettinga | Head Men's Basketball Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2174 |
| Robert Hildebrand | Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2139 |
| Ryan Hill | Taffy Abel Arena Coordinator | Facilities | 906-635-6220 |
| Kathryn Hills | Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance & Internal Operations | Athletics | 906-635-2809 |
| Kathleen Hinds | Adjunct Instructor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Julie Hober | Director of Information Technology | Information Technology | 906-635-2686 |
| Hailee Hoch | Accounting Clerk III | Business Operations | 906-635-2878 |
| Lisa Hodgkins | Simulation Center Technician | Simulation Center | 906-635-2175 |
| Jill Hoornstra | Senior Public Safety Officer | Public Safety | 906-635-2100 |
| Tammy Hoornstra | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Ken Hopper | Adjunct Instructor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Ryan Hornblower | Adjunct Instructor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Grace Howrigon | Head Women's Basketball Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2638 |
| Jordan Huse | Head Strength & Conditioning Coach | Athletics | |
| Alexei Iretski | Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2045 |
| Marcus Izzard | Sports Utility Attendant | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Martin Izzard | Equipment Operator/Groundskeeper | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Michelle Jarvie | Laboratory Scientist | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2232 |
| Yah-Sheba Jenkins | Controller | Business Operations | 906-635-2240 |
| Andrew Jones | Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2138 |
| Katie Juntunen | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Georgi Kalchev | Assistant Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2044 |
| Hari Kandel | Assistant Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2618 |
| Chloe Kannan | Adjunct Professor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2327 |
| Kevin Kapuscinski | Associate Professor, Assistant Director of Research | Center for Freshwater Research & Education; School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2093 |
| Steven Kaunisto | Men's Hockey Coach ACHA | Athletics | 906-635-2021 |
| Katie Kelsey | Registrar | Registrar | 906-635-2613 |
| Paul Kelso | Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2158 |
| Kevin Kennedy | Mathematics - Prison Program Adjunct Instructor | | |
| Jeffrey Kietzman | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Jerry Killips | Facilities Manager | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Sonja Killips-Bellew | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| John Kilponen | Public Safety Officer | Public Safety | 906-635-2100 |
| Sandra King | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2179 |
| Robert Kipka | Associate Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2427 |
| Joseph Kirkpatrick | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Derric Knight | Director of Housing | Campus Life & Housing | 906-635-2415 |
| Joseph Kravis | Steam Plant Operator | Facilities | 906-635-2372 |
| Alexis Laaksonen | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Erin Lake | Administrative Assistant | Alumni/Advancement | 906-635-6210 |
| Zabrina LeVasseur | Resident Hall Coordinator | Campus Life & Housing | 906-635-6244 |
| David Leach | Assistant Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2635 |
| Samantha Lee | Laker Success Coordinator | Campus Life & Housing | 906-635-2194 |
| Cameron Leitz | Research Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2071 |
| Jun Li | Professor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2094 |
| Barbara Light | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Tory Lindley | Athletic Director | Athletics | 906-635-2877 |
| Joni Lindsey | Associate Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2154 |
| Bo Liu | Research Scientist in Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2072 |
| Joaquin Lopez-Hislop | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Noah Luce | Assistant Professor; Director of the Arts Center | Arts Center; School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2735 |
| Mary-Lynne Lukenda | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2217 |
| Timothy MacDowell | HVACR Technician | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Timothy MacMaster | Steam Plant Operator | Facilities | 906-635-2173 |
| Dr. Tommy Mackey | Assistant Professor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2424 |
| Shelby Mackie | Digital Content Specialist | Marketing | 906-635-2882 |
| Zakaria Mahmud | Associate Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2137 |
| Daniel Maki | Bookstore Manager | Barnes & Noble | 906-635-2883 |
| Gwendolyn Malaska | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Cameron Mansell | Admissions Representative | Admissions | 906-635-2113 |
| Barbra Marsh | Assistant Director of Financial Aid & Compliance | Financial Aid | 906-635-2677 |
| Daryl Matthews | Sodexo General Manager | Food Service | 906-635-2619 |
| Joseph Mattson | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2541 |
| Richard Mauldin | Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2123 |
| Shawna-Sue Mauldin | Assistant Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2106 |
| Raymond Mayer | Steam Plant Operator | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Dr. Seth McCall | Assistant Professor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2173 |
| Jennifer McCallum | Assistant Registrar Graduation Services | Registrar | 906-635-2082 |
| Michael McCarthy | Adjunct Instructor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Mary McClean | Recruitment and Safety Coordinator | Human Resources | 906-635-2225 |
| Christine McLay | Special Clerk III | Campus Life & Housing | 906-635-2412 |
| Steven McLeod | Athletic Trainer | Athletics | 906-635-2604 |
| Karly Mclean | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2288 |
| Erin Meehan-Amo | Physician Assistant | Health Care Center | 906-635-2110 |
| Christina Messer | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Lynn Methner | Supervising Field Officer | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2121 |
| Kristin Miller | Adjunct | Paramedic Program | |
| Steven Miller | Equipment Operator/Groundskeeper | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Douglas Mitchell | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Terrell Modest | Women's Basketball Assistant Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2640 |
| Laura Moening | Academic Success Advisor | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2855 |
| Kevin Mohar | Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2125 |
| Jesse Monroe | Institutional Research Analyst | Information Technology | 906-635-2775 |
| Candi Morse | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| R. Adam Mosey | Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2284 |
| Kimberly Muller | Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs | Provost's Office | 906-635-2211 |
| Lauren Myers | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Marielle Nava | Enrollment Services Representative | Admissions | 906-635-2693 |
| Brad Newhouse | Public Safety Officer | Public Safety | 906-635-2371 |
| Erica Newland | Vice Provost for Research & Innovation/Special Advisor to the Native American Center | Provost's Office | 906-635-2272 |
| Sara Nicholls | Special Clerk III | Food Service | 906-635-2541 |
| Nicole "Nikki" Noblet | Admissions Representative | Admissions | (906)635-2672 |
| Zachary Norman | Network Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-2070 |
| Michael Normand | Electrician | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Shawn O'Dwyer | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| David Oberle | Equipment Operator/Groundskeeper | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Lori Oliver | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2612 |
| Kristina Olson-Pupek | Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2422 |
| Allison Orr | Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Payroll Coordinator | Human Resources | 906-635-2452 |
| Christopher Oshelski | Executive Director for the Charter Schools | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2121 |
| Sarah Ouimette | Assistant Professor, Certified Athletic Trainer | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2035 |
| Jordan Paoli | Facility Attendant II | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Abigail Parker | Family Nurse Practitioner | Health Care Center | 906-635-2110 |
| Dr. Jenna Parker | Assistant Professor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2428 |
| Matthew Parker | Women's Head Hockey Coach ACHA | Athletics | 906-635-2017 |
| Petro Pekum | Oracle Database Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-2205 |
| Paula Peltier | Administrative Assistant | Athletics | 906-635-2877 |
| Sara Perfetti | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Nicole Perigo | Research Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2071 |
| Emily Perilloux | Laboratory Scientist | | (906)635-2648 |
| Monica Perkinson | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Jenny Peterman | Charter Schools Reauthorization & Compliance Specialist | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2121 |
| Valerie Philips | Associate Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2450 |
| Fred Pierce | Dean of Enrollment Management & Communications | Admissions | 906-635-2674 |
| Lauren Pierce | Executive Assistant to the President, Secretary to the Board of Trustees | President's Office | 906-635-2202 |
| Vincent Pietrangelo | Assistant Hockey Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2835 |
| Wyatt Plavan | Financial Aid Officer | Financial Aid | 906-635-2650 |
| Adam Pope | Sports Utility Attendant | University Recreation | 906-635-6686 |
| Todd Price | Adjunct Business Instructor | Lukenda School of Business | |
| Adam Raffaele | Motor Pool Stores Clerk | Purchasing | 906-635-2617 |
| Cameron Ramos | Men's Basketball Assistant Coach | Athletics | |
| Pradeep Ranasinghage | Assistant Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2134 |
| Britton Ranson Olson | Professor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2157 |
| Gregory Rathje | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2288 |
| Eric Richardsen | IT Network Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-2069 |
| Erik Richardson | Director of Intercollegiate Swimming & Aquatics | Athletics | |
| Heidi Rife | Regional Center Director | Regional Centers | 906-217-4123 |
| Ana Robbins | Adjunct Instructor | School Of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Rachael Robenault | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Timothy Roo | Facility Attendant II | Facilities | 906-635-2183 |
| Allison Rose | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Andrew Rubinstein | Annual Fund & Athletic Development Director | Alumni/Advancement | 906-635-6219 |
| Bridgette Russell | Assistant Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2163 |
| Tammy Rutledge | Adjunct Instructor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2426 |
| Nilmini Samarasinghe | Adjunct Instructor | School Of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Tamara Santana | Campus Visit & Outreach Coordinator | Admissions | 906-635-2032 |
| Edoardo Sarda | Assistant Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2738 |
| James Sawaski | Adjunct Instructor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | N/a |
| James Schaefer | Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2748 |
| Jody Schopp | Administrative Assistant | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2874 |
| Amy Schwiderson | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| H. Russell Searight | Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2188 |
| Kaylee Selke | Adjunct Instructor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2288 |
| Jennifer Settle | Adjunct | Education | |
| Melissa Shaffer-O'Connell | Associate Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2339 |
| Dr. Muhammed Shaki | Adjunct Instructor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics | 906-635-2426 |
| Dr. Tripti Sharma | Adjunct Instructor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Ryan Shelley | Assistant Hockey Coach | Athletics | N/A |
| Caleb Short | Adjunct Instructor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Walter Sigmon | Facility Attendant I | Custodial | 906-635-2371 |
| Tyler Skeans | Facility Attendant II | Facilities | |
| Christopher Smith | Associate Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2162 |
| Jason Smith | Adjunct Instructor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Scott Smith | Application/Network Service Technician | Information Technology | 906-635-2271 |
| Scott Smith | Vice President of Advancement, Legislative, & Alumni Affairs | Alumni/Advancement | 906-635-6672 |
| Casey Snyder | Music Director, Assistant Manager of Theatre Production | Arts Center | 906-635-2224 |
| Jonathan Sommers | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2290 |
| Benjamin Southwell | Associate Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2076 |
| Kathleen Spencer | IT Security Auditor | Information Technology | 906-635-2219 |
| Matthew Spencer | Assistant Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2085 |
| Tim Spencer | Maintenance Mechanic II | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Tyler Spencer | Steam Plant Operator | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Stephanie Spray | Assistant Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2109 |
| Adam St. John | Assistant Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2265 |
| Melissa St. John | Arts Center Business Manager | Arts Center | 906-635-2107 |
| Kevin St. Onge | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Aaron Staggs | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Samantha Stark | Financial Aid Officer | Financial Aid | 906-635-2889 |
| Eric Statt | Associate Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2554 |
| Errin Stegich | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2288 |
| Roxanne Steinhoff | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Amanda Stempky | Assistant Director of Pre-College Services | Admissions | 906-635-2057 |
| Dr. Antionette Stith | Assistant Professor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2116 |
| Matt Stith | Head Coach of Track/Field | Athletics | 906-635-2766 |
| Brooke Stover | Assistant Volleyball Coach | Athletics | N/A |
| James Sturgill | Adjunct Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2217 |
| Jody Susi | Assistant Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2624 |
| Kimberly Swailes | Assistant Director of HR , Payroll Administrator | Human Resources | 906-635-2117 |
| Jason Swedene | Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2122 |
| Kathrine Sylvain | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2612 |
| Jamie Taylor | Certified/Registered Medical Assistant/LPN | Health Care Center | 906-635-2033 |
| Sandra Taylor | Executive Assistant & Outreach Coordinator | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2373 |
| Connor Tetzlaff | Admissions Representative | Admissions | 906-635-2231 |
| Timothy Tetzlaff | Medical Director | Health Care Center | 906-635-2418 |
| Sausha Tews | Executive Assistant to the Provost & VPAA and Assessment Coordinator | Provost's Office | 906-635-2211 |
| Joe Thienes | Supervising Field Officer | Charter Schools Office | 906-635-2121 |
| Dwanye Thompson | Assistant Coach of Track/Field | Athletics | 906-635-2765 |
| David Travis | President | President's Office | 906-635-2202 |
| Katelyn Trombley | Library Learning Commons Technician | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2861 |
| Nikki Ulrich | | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Anne Van | Director Financial Aid | Financial Aid | 906-635-2146 |
| Alexandra Van Doren | Assistant Professor, Academic Librarian | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2124 |
| Ashley VanLuven | Special Clerk III | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Nicholas Vaught | Instructor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-6687 |
| Kelli Verdecchia | Assistant Professor | School of Nursing; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2611 |
| Michelle Visser | Outreach and Education Specialist | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2687 |
| George Voutsadakis | Assistant Professor | School of Computer Science & Mathematics; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2667 |
| Ankit Wadera | Men's Basketball Assistant Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2607 |
| Morrie Walworth | Interim Vice President of Finance | Purchasing | 906-635-2036 |
| Chase Ward | Sports Information & Communication Specialist | Athletics | 906-635-2807 |
| Riley Waterman | Hatchery Technician | Center for Freshwater Research & Education | 906-635-2270 |
| Brody Waybrant | Adjunct Instructor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2426 |
| Dr. Courtney Weber | Assistant Professor | School of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2103 |
| Melissa Weisberger | Lead Supervising Field Officer | Charter Schools Office | 248-563-7641 |
| Andrea Wells | Adjunct Instructor of Education | School of Education | |
| Alexander Werner | Coordinator of Athletic Equipment Services | Athletics | N/a |
| Aaron Westrick | Associate Professor | School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, & Emergency Services; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-6203 |
| Cathy White | Adjunct Instructor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2426 |
| Damon Whitten | Head Hockey Coach | Athletics | 906-635-6665 |
| Stephanie Wiessner | Health Care Center Office Manager | Health Care Center | 906-635-2418 |
| Dr. Kelli Wiinamaki | Adjunct Instructor | School Of Arts, Letters, & Social Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2217 |
| Ralf Wilhelms | Professor | Lukenda School of Business; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2108 |
| Frederick Williams | Assistant Professor | School of Kinesiology & Psychology; College of Health & Emergency Responders | 906-635-2641 |
| Anna Wilson | Special Clerk II | Counseling Services | 906-635-2752 |
| Joshua Wilson | Facility Attendant I | Facilities | 906-635-2371 |
| Jill Witt | Associate Professor | School of Natural Resources; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2002 |
| Phillip Wolf | Instructor | Lukenda School of Business | 906-635-2426 |
| Derek Wright | Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2628 |
| Trevor Yake | Accountant I | Business Operations | 906-635-2597 |
| Rachel Yanni | Jr. Systems Administrator | Information Technology | 906-635-2104 |
| Teresa Yelverton-Johnson | Academic Success Center & Student Support Coordinator | Library & Academic Services | 906-635-2400 |
| Michael York | Assistant Hockey Coach | Athletics | 906-635-2835 |
| Jamie Zamjahn | Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Success | | |
| Masoud Zarepoor | Associate Professor | School of Engineering & Technology; College of Business, Engineering, Computer Science, & Mathematics | 906-635-2660 |
| Yong Zeng | Assistant Professor | School of Education; College of Great Lakes Ecology & Education | 906-635-2039 |
| Mark Zierden | Assistant Professor | School of Chemistry, Environmental, & Geosciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2089 |
| Dr. Gregory Zimmerman | Adjunct Instructor | School of Biological Sciences; College of Arts & Sciences | 906-635-2267 |
| Emily Zlojutro | Medical Receptionist/Biller | Health Care Center | 906-635-2110 |
| Katelyn Zwiker | Admissions Representative | Admissions | 906-635-2747 |