School of Kinesiology and Psychology

School of Kinesiology and Psychology

Better Understanding Of Society And Human Behavior

The mission of the School of Kinesiology and Behavioral Sciences is to actively involve students in expanding their understanding of society and human behavior, increasing their sense of social responsibility, and in enhancing their scholarly skills. We achieve this through a strategy of engaging with students, demonstrating enthusiasm for the subject matter, and modeling scholarship.

Most students come into our classrooms to fulfill the General Education and service credit requirements. We welcome these opportunities to expose students majoring in other disciplines to the social sciences. In teaching these students, our goals are to share our enthusiasm for our disciplines, to help them learn how to critically examine social issues, including diversity, and to encourage the students to develop a sense of social responsibility.

For students planning to graduate from our programs, we have more elaborated goals. Our majors and minors enter our classrooms with broad ranges of intellectual skills and knowledge. As teachers, our goals are to challenge each student to set high expectations for his or her intellectual growth and help each student in becoming an active agent in expanding his or her scholarly abilities and social knowledge. In addition to providing a solid grounding in their discipline, we help students develop skills in critical thinking, communication, analysis, and research. We also work to prepare students to be active and informed citizens and members of their communities.

To all of our classes we bring a commitment to excellent teaching, a dedication to scholarship and an understanding of diversity.