School of Biological Sciences


Program Overview

About Our Programs

Whether you’re interested in ecology, human biology, plant science, animal science, microbiology, genetics, physiology, natural resource biology, cell or molecular biology, field work or laboratory work – LSSU is a great place to study biology. Our program offers a number of unique opportunities for undergraduate students, including hands on training in state of the art equipment, both in the field and in the lab. You can choose from one of the four biology concentrations: Animal Biology, Food and Ecology, Pre-Medical, or Pre-Veterinary – or you can choose to major in biology without any concentration at all. All biology students complete a senior thesis project which teaches you both research and communication skills. This experience will help you in finding a job or gaining admittance to the graduate school of your choice.

Hands-on Learning

Biology students at LSSU benefit from a low student to faculty ratio. Most upper level classes have less than 30 students and laboratory sections are often limited to less than 15 students. This affords the faculty time to interact individually with students, ensuring they have the opportunity to apply the laboratory and field skills required of professional scientists.

See Program Catalog

Why Study Biology at LSSU?

At Lake Superior State University class sizes are small and labs are taught by faculty who are experts in their field and are dedicated teachers. Hands-on experience includes working with cutting-edge laboratory equipment and the opportunity to work outdoors at many diverse field sites. Graduates complete a capstone senior thesis or service-learning project in which they design, implement, analyze, and present their findings on a topic of their choosing.

Scholarships & Grants

Undergraduate research is an integral part of the student experience at Lake Superior State University. In fact, the University mission and vision statement emphasizes LSSU’s role in helping students develop their full potential, as well as contributing to the growth, dissemination and application of knowledge. The Undergraduate Research Committe (URC) is charged with promoting and recognizing the student research efforts that occur across campus, as well as encouraging new efforts.

The committee consists of faculty members from various academic disciplines and is currently chaired by Dr. Barb Keller, the Dean of the College of Natural, Mathematical and Health Sciences. One of the main roles of the URC is to oversee the Undergraduate Research Fund, a program sponsored by the LSSU Foundation that awards grants of up to $500 to students to support research-based equipment, supplies, and travel. The student grants are awarded once each semester on a competitive basis. To apply for a research grant, students must fill out the online application form, Before applying, students should first read the application guidelines.

This scholarship was established in honor of William R. Gregory, former president of Edison Sault Electric Company. He has served as a member of the LSSU Board of Trustees and the LSSU Foundation Board. He received LSSU’s Distinguished Citizen Award in 1986. Former LSSU President Robert Arbuckle once stated, “Bill Gregory has actively supported the University with his talent and treasure for over 25 years. No one in this region is more devoted to Lake State! Successful candidates must be a junior majoring in engineering, mathematics, business, biology or fisheries and wildlife management with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, Value: Variable – renewable, Criteria: Merit-based; junior status; minimum 3.0 GPA. Curriculum: Engineering, Mathematics, Business, Biology, or Fisheries & Wildlife Management. Selected by: Financial Aid Committee through scholarship sign-up… watch for more details.

This scholarship honors Michael Della-Moretta, a 1977 alumnus and Navy pilot killed in 1981 while serving aboard the USS Independence off the coast of Iran. He once said the happiest years of his life were at Lake Superior State University. The award is given to an Eastern U.P. resident with an interest in biological science or lab science major (including math and computer science) who has achieved academic excellence.

Professor Emeritus Arthur Duwe joined the LSSU faculty in 1968 as an Associate Professor of Biology-Chemistry, Although he was eligible for retirement in 1988, he chose part-time teaching over full -time retirement and continued teaching at Lake State until his death in 1991 . One of his teaching associates described Professor Duwe as a man who had a heart of gold. He was a fascinating lecturer and a demanding teacher. Even though students may not have liked his tests, they loved his lectures. He placed particular emphasis on senior research projects to help the students get organized and prepare their projects to the best of their ability. The Duwe Scholarship is awarded to a senior clinical laboratory science, biology, fisheries and wildlife, or environmental science student for his/her year of internship. Value: Variable – non-renewable. Criteria: Merit-based; may be a Michigan resident or non-resident, enrolled full -time; minimum 3.0 GPA. Curriculum: Awarded in the spring of the junior year to a Medical Laboratory Sciences student for the internship year. (If a qualified MLS student is not available, the award may be given to a senior in Biology or Fisheries & Wildlife. Selected by: Recommendation of the School of Biological Sciences.

This named endowment was established by Mary Lubs Thomsen through an estate gift to honor her late husband, Viggo. Both were long-time residents of Sault Ste. Marie and former employees of the University. Mary was Director of Public Relations and Viggo served for 27 years as a faculty member of the Biology Department. The scholarship provides financial assistance to LSSU students majoring in the biological sciences, pre-pharmacy, pre-medical and/or pre-dental programs. Value: $1,000 per year – renewable. Criteria: Merit and need-based; must be at least sophomore status. Curriculum: Biological sciences, pre-pharmacy, pre-medical, pre-dental.

Dr. Kevin and Pamela Cooper are both natives of Sault Ste. Marie. Son of Laker legend Ronald “Bud” Cooper, Kevin grew up on the LSSU campus. He attended LSSU earning his B.S. and graduating Suma Cum Laude in 1979. In 1983, Kevin earned his dental degree at the University of Michigan. Kevin served as the first president of LSSU’s renewed Alumni Association from 1994-1995. Pam also attended LSSU earning her Associates Degree and graduating Cum Laude in 1979. She graduated with a BA in dental hygiene from the University of Michigan in 1983. In 1986, Kevin and Pam returned to Sault Ste. Marie and set up a private dental practice. The Coopers are very involved with the local community and are strong supporters of Lake Superior State University.

Kevin and Pam set up this scholarship to aid students enrolled in the LSSU pre-dentistry program. Successful candidates must have earned at least 26 LSSU credits with a GPA of 3.0 or higher with preference given to students who are graduates of a Michigan Upper Peninsula high school. If there is no eligible pre-dentistry student, preference will be given to a student majoring in pre-medicine or in a biological sciences program. Selection is by recommendation from the Biological Sciences faculty.

Edward Smith is a physician who has been practicing in St. Ignace, Michigan since 1986. He is a Lake Superior State alumnus who received his MD Degree from Michigan State University and completed a Hematology/Oncology Fellowship at the University of Michigan. Currently he provides care for patients with cancer and blood disorders in Michigan’s Eastern Upper Peninsula. Jill is a registered nurse and a graduate of Grand Rapids Junior College. She is an Oncology Nurse at Mackinac Straits Hospital in St. Ignace, Michigan. The Edward and Jill Smith Scholarship is awarded to a student who is enrolled in a LSSU pre-med concentration program with at least 56 LSSU credits and a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Selection is by recommendation from the Biological Sciences faculty.

iconCareer Paths

  • Research Biologist
  • Field Biologist
  • Physician
  • Physician Assistant
  • Optometrist
  • Podiatrist
  • Veterinarian
  • Dentist
  • Health Professional
  • Zoo, Nature Center Staff
  • Consultant
  • Sales Representative
  • Histologist
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Medical Illustrator
  • University Professor

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