School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, and Emergency Services


Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity is a unique and specialized degree that combines the knowledge and practical skills of the fields of Criminal Justice, Computer Science, and Computer Networking.

Graduates will be able to build, maintain, and protect systems, networks, programs, and individuals from cyber-attacks and intrusions.  Cybersecurity is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation to evolving threats and technologies.

Our program not only trains students with the skills needed to tackle today’s cybersecurity issues, but provides them with the critical thinking skills needed to gain new skills as the cyber-landscape changes.  Our program’s emphasis in criminal justice will also give graduates a foundational knowledge in the laws and policies related to cybercrimes and the role of cybersecurity professionals in policing.

see program catalog

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Specialized Knowledge – Graduates can define and explain the structures, principles, and practices of the field of Criminal Justice and Computer Sciences using the tools, technologies, methods, and specialized terms of the discipline. Graduates can contruct a summative project or critical analysis that draws on current research, scholarship, and the techniques of the Criminal Justice and Computer Science fields.

  • Broad Integrative Knowledge – Graduates can produce an investigation or practice work that draws on the specific theories, tools, and methods from both fields of Criminal Justice and Computer Science.

  • Intellectual Skills – Graduates can elaborate key ethical issues present in cybersecurity problems and articulate the ways in which at least to differing ethical perspectives influence decision making concerning those problems, developing and defending an approach to address the ethical issue productively.  Graduates can construct sustained coherent arguments, narratives, and explication of issues, problems, or technical issues in writing and at least one other medium to general and technical audiences.

  • Applied and Collaborative Learning – Graduates can prepare and present a project, paper, or exhibit linking knowledge or skills acquired in work, community, or research activities with knowledge acquired in both fields of Criminal Justice and Computer Science, explaining how those elements are structured and employing appropriate citations to demonstrate the relationship of the product to literature in the field.

  • Civic and Global Learning – Graduates can develop and justify a position on a public issue and relate this position to alternate views held by the public or within the policy environment.

Job Outlook

Professionals working in cybersecurity, often called cybersecurity experts or information security analysts safeguard digital information, identify threats, educate on best practices, and analyze systems forensically to identify offenders.

Other fields that one can pursue with a job in cybersecurity include network security engineer, cybersecurity consultant, system tester, security software developer, security auditor.


Job growth from 2022-2032*

*US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates


Median annual salary

*US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates